




類型: 歐美劇,歐美
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本劇講述了中世紀蒙特摩爾王國和阿爾泰納王國。多年來兩國之間和睦相處,并達成水源供應協議。阿爾泰納王國水源豐富,而蒙特摩爾王國水源匱乏。蒙特摩爾王國以礦產資源作為交換。這項協議在蒙特摩爾國女王過世時終結,并且撼動了兩國之間的和平。阿方索(羅穆盧·埃斯特雷拉 R?mulo Estrela飾)是蒙特摩爾國王儲,孩童時代就被立為王位繼承人,他為人正直受人尊敬。相反他的弟弟魯道夫(約翰尼·馬薩羅 Johnny Massaro飾)沒有責任心并且無所事事,喜歡各國王公貴族家千金小姐廝混。阿方索在一次尋找水源過程中被一伙強盜偷襲,受了重傷,被阿爾泰納國一個平民女孩阿瑪莉亞(瑪麗娜·輝·巴爾博薩 Marina Ruy Barbosa飾)相救,阿方索愛上了她,并放棄了自己的王位,讓給了自己的弟弟,兩國之間的關系更是岌岌可危了。阿爾泰納國的公主卡塔麗娜(布魯娜·馬爾科辛 Bruna Marquezine飾),天性嬌慣且充滿野心,她看到了入侵蒙特摩爾國的大好時機,并且同盟友密謀領土擴張計劃


  • 怪誕 4.0 怪誕
    2024 歐美
    簡介:  Ryan Murphy dropped a teaser for a new series titled Grotesquerie in an Instagram post (see it below) on Friday. According to the post, it will star Niecy Nash-Betts — who has worked with Murphy several times before and is coming off an Emmy win for Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story — Courtney B. Vance and Lesley Manville and is set to premiere in the fall.  The teaser features Nash-Betts’ voice, sounding very disturbed about a crime scene: “I don’t know when it started. I can’t put my finger on it. But it’s different now. There’s been a shift. It’s like something’s opening up in the world — a kind of hole to the center of nothingness. What I saw today — they sent shrinks for everyone who worked this crime scene. You think, ‘Well hon, evil has always existed,’ and cite some statistic about how the world’s getting better, less murder, more help, less global horror, never been a better time to be alive, honey.”  Her voice cracking, Nash-Betts (or rather, her character) concludes by saying, “Come back. It’s not getting better. And I keep needing to hear your answers, because something’s happening around us, and nobody sees but me.”
  • 謎探路德維希 3.0 謎探路德維希
    2024 歐美
    簡介:  John是一個純粹的i人,每天窩在家里不出門寫謎題書。一天晚上,嫂子突然訂車把他接到家中,說他的警察孿生哥哥人間蒸發,請求他假扮哥哥進入警局找尋蛛絲馬跡……像魚離開水的John鬧出不少笑話,但他的解謎天賦成功幫他破獲一起又一起命案?!  菊~薯條字幕組原創簡介,轉載請注明具體出處】
  • 辦公室(澳洲版) 6.0 辦公室(澳洲版)
    2024 歐美
    簡介:  Australian comedian and actor Felicity Ward (“Wakefield,” “The Inbetweeners 2”) will portray Hannah Howard, the MD of packaging company Flinley Craddick in “The Office Australia.” In a post-COVID plot twist, Howard gets news from head office that her branch will be shutting down and that staff will have to work from home. She goes into survival mode, making promises she can’t keep and launches outlandish plots in order to keep her “work family” together.
  • 荷蘭王妃 5.0 荷蘭王妃
    2024 歐美
    簡介:  From the moment Máxima Zorreguieta appears at the Dutch crown prince’s side, she finds herself in the spotlight. When Willem-Alexander asks her to marry him, the past catches up with her. Heated discussion erupts about her father’s political career in the Videla regime – a discussion she never faced in her own circles. What allows this Argentine to finally thrive at an old European court? And how can Máxima stay true to herself without giving up her family – or do these things not go together?
  • 夢魘絕鎮 第三季 2.0 夢魘絕鎮 第三季
    夢魘絕鎮 第三季
    2024 歐美
  • 小學風云第四季 5.0 小學風云第四季
    2024 歐美
    簡介:  全新一季,繼續有Janine Teagues(昆塔·布倫森 Quinta Brunson 飾)同一班同事面對有限資源,仍然不顧一切為教學理想而奮戰。在新的學年,繼續發揮爆笑基因。


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