




已完結 / / 劇情片 /西班牙 / 2023


  一只孤獨的小狗遇到了一個機器人,偌大的城市中,他們互相依靠,溫暖彼此。然而一次意外讓小狗和機器人遺憾錯過,從此他們只能把對彼此的想念藏進夢中。只是,反復夢見的人,還會重逢嗎?  影片改編自Sara Varon的漫畫。


  • 骸骨之地 6.0 骸骨之地
    2024 劇情
    簡介:  1876年,一對母女獨自在一個偏遠的牧場上,與一群殘忍的亡命之徒為生存而戰。
  • 不朽的櫻花 2.0 不朽的櫻花
    2024 劇情
    簡介:  《不朽的櫻花》講述的是縣警宣傳課的主人公獨自調查好友離奇死亡事件的謎團,揭開事件真相和逐漸浮出水面的“公安警察”的故事。住在愛知縣平井市的女大學生,在多次被跟蹤狂騷擾后,被神社的長子殺害。根據當地報紙的獨家報道,警察拖延受理女大學生的報案,在此期間去旅行慰勞??h警宣傳廣聽課的職員森口泉懷疑報社記者津村千佳毀約報道,但想證明自己清白的千佳卻在一周后被發現橫尸。自責和后悔的念頭驅使著泉,發誓要親手抓住殺死千佳的兇手。
  • 公牛騎士 4.0 公牛騎士
    2024 劇情
    簡介:  為了為女兒的癌癥治療籌集資金,一名退休的公牛騎手與他疏遠的兒子聯手,在時間耗盡前搶劫以確保付款。但在搶劫案出錯后,要想保住這筆錢——以及他們的自由——需要兩人智勝當地兩名頑強的執法人員,其中包括一名有正義意識的警長,她很快懷疑,她的案件的關鍵可能就在離家不遠的地方。
  • 拳師1977 5.0 拳師1977
    1977 劇情
    簡介:  足の悪い天馬は、チャンピオンになることを夢見てジムに通っているが、初試合に敗れたためジムは彼を見捨てる。天馬はあきらめきれず元東洋チャンピオンの隼にコーチを頼む。寺山修司初の商業作品だが、隨所に寺山らしさを見せる。具志堅用高、白井義男、ファイティング原田、ガッツ石松などが特別出演し、ガッツあふれるファイティング?シーンで魅了する。
  • 原力籃球魂 2.0 原力籃球魂
    2024 劇情
    簡介:  Inspired by Michael Powell’s critically acclaimed nonfiction sports novel Canyon Dreams, as well as the groundbreaking New York Times articles that preceded it, Rez Ball explores the raw and exhilarating world of “reservation basketball” with its unique, lightning-quick pace that is rumored to have influenced top NBA teams and coaches throughout the years. The story follows the Chuska Warriors, a Native American high school basketball team from Chuska, New Mexico that must band together after losing their star player if they want to keep their quest for a state championship alive. It’s an all-American underdog story about Native American kids and coaches told from the inside-out.
  • 不能沒有你2022 8.0 不能沒有你2022
    2022 劇情
    簡介:  The film follows successful business owner David (Ochmann), who leads a comfortable life alongside his boyfriend, álex (Bassave), an attractive gym instructor. The latter has always wanted to become a father and often wonders which path he should follow in order to make his dream come true: adoption? A surrogate mother? Nevertheless, David refuses to discuss the subject. That is, until Blanca (Perroni), David’s sister, with whom he broke off all contact after a dark event in the past, bursts into their lives. She used to be a drug addict and, in one terrible moment of carelessness, started a fire that killed their parents, for which she was sentenced to six years in prison. But now, she is clean and has resolved to win back the only family she has: that’s why she will be willing to do whatever it takes to persuade her brother to accept her into his life again.


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